Roxie Bueno
Roxie Bueno

Roxie Bueno



Hey folks! I'm thrilled to be connected to this NoFap community.
My name is Carl and I'm striving to vanquish detrimental urges. I'm 36 years old, living in Asparn, Austria.
I'm involved in this self-improvement journey for 75 days and I'm recognizing surprising improvements. I feel more focused and productive.
A difficult trial I've faced is handling emotional ups and downs. Still, I've found that spending time in nature proves incredibly effective in staying on track.
I'm drawn to the psychological impacts associated with NoFap. The theory of neuroplasticity in addiction recovery is absorbing to me.
As part of my holistic approach to self-improvement, I enjoy Handball and exploring Dutch. As it turns out, these activities promote mindfulness and presence during my NoFap journey.
I'm thrilled at the prospect of building meaningful relationships in this community. In unison, we can build stronger willpower and become the best versions of ourselves.
Feel free to reach out if you are looking for accountability about NoFap or the transformations I've undergone.
Celebrate small victories, fellow self-improvers!

Gender: Female